Monday 6 October 2008

Claude Monet Custom Officer's Cabin at Varengville painting

Claude Monet Custom Officer's Cabin at Varengville paintingClaude Monet Chrysanthemums paintingClaude Monet Camille Monet in the Garden painting
soldiers get through anything - as the brigadier’s done in the corner. There was another painted room, outside under pillars - modern work but, if you ask me, the prettiest in the place; it was the signal office and they made absolute hay of it; rather a shame. ‘This eyesore is what they used as the mess; that’s why I didn’t cover it up; not that it would matter much if it did get damaged; always reminds me of one of the costlier knocking-shops, you know - “ Maison Japonaise”...and this was the ante-room...’
It did not take us long to make our tour of the echoing rooms. Then we went outside on the terrace.
‘Those are the other ranks’ latrines and wash-house; can’t think why they built them just there; it was done before I took the job over. All this used

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