Thursday 30 October 2008

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse Narcissus painting

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse Narcissus paintingJohn William Waterhouse waterhouse Ophelia paintingJohn William Waterhouse Hylas and the Nymphs painting
Mahound and the goddesses Mahound, against his followers' advice, returns to Jahilia, going straight to the House of the Black Stone. The disciples follow him in spite of their fear. A crowd gathers in the hope of further scandal or dismemberment or some such entertainment. Mahound does not disappoint them.
He stands in front of the statues of the Three and announces the abrogation of the verses which Shaitan whispered in his ear. These verses are banished from the true recitation, _al-qur"an_. New verses are thundered in their place.
"Shall He have daughters and you sons?" Mahound recites. "That would be a fine division!
"These are but names you have dreamed of, you and your fathers. Allah vests no authority in them."
He leaves the dumbfounded House before it occurs to anybody to

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