Friday 24 October 2008

Raphael Madonna of Loreto painting

Raphael Madonna of Loreto paintingWilliam Bouguereau The Virgin of the Lilies paintingWilliam Bouguereau The Nymphaeum painting
customers and that Caligula should not take too high a commission on the money earned. Much to my disgust I was dragged into this Business, by being dressed up as the comic porter. Caligula, wearing a mask and disguising his voice, was the bawd-master, and played all the usual bawd-master tricks for cheating his guests of their pleasure and their money. When they protested, I was called upon to act as chucker-out. I am strong enough in the arms, stronger than most men, I may say, though my legs are very little use to me; so I caused a great deal of amusement by my clumsy hobbling and by the unexpectedly heavy drubbing I gave the guests when I managed to get hold of them. Caligula declaimed in a theatrical voice, the lines from Homer;
Vulcan with awkward grace his office plies. And unextinguished laughter shakes the skies.

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