Thursday 16 October 2008

Salvador Dali The Rose painting

Salvador Dali The Rose paintingSalvador Dali Paysage aux papillons (Landscape with Butterflies) paintingSalvador Dali Mirage painting
John Philpott of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development said: 'It has been an awful autumn so far for the economy and the jobs market is now being crunched. Today's official figures are dire.'
In the Commons William Hague taunted in Prime Minister's Questions that Mr Brown's claim to have abolished boom and bust was one of the most 'foolish and irresponsible' ever made from Downing Street.
• London and the South-East have taken the biggest hit in job losses. In the last three months 67,000 people have been thrown out of work as the financial crisis has taken its toll in the City, on service industries and the property market.
Together the two regions accounted for more than 40 per cent of the number of people who joined dole queues across the country.
Many of the job losses have come in financial services. At least half of the 40,000 redundancies estimated to have come in European banking have involved people living and working in the City or elsewhere in the south.
Financial job cuts have brought knock-on effects in the service industries

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