Tuesday 16 December 2008

Frida Kahlo Viva la vida painting

Frida Kahlo Viva la vida paintingFrida Kahlo The Two Fridas paintingFrida Kahlo Girl with Death Mask painting
When Corky and Reynerd had sworn that together they would [298] make a statement to the world by making a well-planned assault on Charming Manheim’s tightly guarded estate, they had also agreed that to prove the seriousness of their pledge, each would in pain. For reasons that Corky still didn’t fully understand, instead of proceeding with the gun, he eventually discovered himself flailing away furiously with an antique marble-and-bronze lamp, which he severely damaged.Later, he had apologized to Rolf for diminishing the value of this lovely heirloom.True to his word, the actor had subsequently kidnapped Maxwell Dalton. He delivered the professor, unconscious, to this bedroom, where Corky had been waiting with a stock of refrigerated infusion first commit a capital crime on behalf of the other. Corky would murder Reynerd’s mother; in return, the actor would kidnap Dalton and deliver him to Corky.Keeping in mind how his intention to smother his own mother with a minimum of mess had so easily degenerated into a frenzied clubbing with a fireplace poker, Corky had obtained an untraceable handgun with which to despatch Mina Reynerd quickly, professionally, with a shot through the heart to ensure that there would be little blood.Unfortunately, at that time, he’d not been expert in the use of firearms. His first shot hit her not in the heart, but in the foot.Mrs. Reynerd had begun to scream

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