Friday 9 January 2009

Andy Warhol Buttons

Andy Warhol ButtonsAndy Warhol Butterflies big green in middleAndy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge
Here's a great technique that will add variety to your oral pleasingtalents. It's been around for centuries. But we'll bet your woman hasnever experienced it -- until now.Here's What You Need:One candle.Here's How You Do It:Get your woman swirls around the candle and causes to flame to flicker,duplicate the movements of the flame with your tongue.If you like, let your woman know what you're doing so she can anticipatethe movements. It's as if the flame itself is pleasuring her.Continue until the flame ignites fireworks in your woman.PAGEnaked. Have her lie on her back with her knees bentand legs slightly apart.Light the candle and place it near your woman's head (not too close).Usually, on top of the nightstand will do just fine.If you've got a ceiling fan in your bedroom, turn it on low. Otherwise, anytype of fan that will move the air gently around the candle will do.Position yourself so you can pleasure your woman orally and see theflame of the candle at the same time.As the air

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