Monday 5 January 2009

Andy Warhol daisy 1982 painting

Andy Warhol daisy 1982 paintingAndy Warhol Camouflage green yellow white paintingAndy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge painting
There are many more," said Light. "No one could count them. But go a little further, you will see other things."
Tyltyl did as he was told and elbowed his way through; but it was difficult for him to move, because a crowd of Blue Children pressed all around them. At last, by mounting on a step, our little friend was able to look over the throng of back quietly to what they were doing, though still watching our friends with astonished eyes.
One of them, however, remained standing close to Tyltyl. He was inquisitive heads and see what was happening in every part of the hall. It was most extraordinary! Tyltyl had never dreamt of anything like it! He danced with joy; and Mytyl, who was hanging on to him and standing on tiptoe so that she might see too, Mytyl clapped her hands and gave loud cries of wonder. All around were millions of Children in blue, some playing, others walking about, others talking or thinking. Many were asleep; many also were at work; and their instruments, their tools, the machines which they were building, the plants, the flowers and the fruits which they were growing or gathering were of the same bright and heavenly blue as the general appearance of the palace. Among the Children moved tall persons also dressed in blue they were very beautiful and looked just like angels. They came up to Light and smiled and gently pushed aside the Blue Children, who went

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