Tuesday 20 January 2009

Edward Hopper Chop Suey

Edward Hopper Chop SueyJean Francois Millet The GleanersJean Fragonard The Swing 1767
again, beating his one free wing to fling off the golden monkey; but Lord Asriel's arms were firm around him still, and in fact the man had a better grip now there wasn't so much to enclose. Lord Asriel set himself to crushing the breath to the back of his head. When he flung himself sideways, Metatron had seized a fist-sized rock, and now he brought it down with brutal force on the point of Lord Asriel's skull. The man felt the bones of his head move against each other, and he knew that another blow like that would kill him outright. Dizzy with pain, pain that was worse for the pressure of his head against the angel's side, he still clung fast, the fingers of his right hand crushing the bones of his left, and stumbled for a footing among the fractured rocks.
And as Metatron raised the bloody stone high, a golden-furred shape sprang up out of Metatron, grinding his ribs together, and trying to ignore the savage blows that were landing on his skull and his neck.But those blows were beginning to tell. And as Lord Asriel tried to keep his footing on the broken rocks, something shattering happened

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