Monday 23 February 2009

Paul Cezanne Card Players

Paul Cezanne Card PlayersLaurie Maitland fireWilliam Bouguereau InnocenceBill Brauer The Gold Dress
Most of us have a preference for certain labels or brands because of positive experiences we’ve had with particular products over the years - that’s understandable (intelligent even) and not what I’m talking about today. No, I’m talking about people who have an unhealthy and irrational desire to own certain labels no matter On some level, Label Shoppers believe that ownership of a particular product will meet some kind of need in them. And they’re right. For a day. Because that’s about how long it will be before they will need to shop again. Amazingly, those $800 jeans won’t lead to life-long nirvana or universal approval or acceptance. Who’da thought? By the way, the need they have is emotional, not practical. Nobodwhat. I’m talking about people who won’t even consider another less-expensive label - even if that label is of comparable or identical quality to the more desirable label. I’m talking about people who love to be seen drinking the expensive wine, even when it tastes like crap. And I’m talking about the person who puts him or her self under huge financial pressure to buy the car that they really can’t afford and definitely don’t need.y needs

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