Monday 16 February 2009

Vincent van Gogh The potato eaters

Vincent van Gogh The potato eatersVincent van Gogh The Bedroom at ArlesVincent van Gogh Couple in the Park,Arles
now?" "Yes, Father." "Then be off with you."
Roger turned and ran. Lyra dragged her foot from side to side on the floor.
"As for you, Lyra," said Father Heyst, "I'm pleased to see you taking an interest in what lies in the oratory. You are a lucky child"No."
"You see, none of us would want you to miss all the usual childhood pleasures and pastimes. I sometimes think it must be a lonely you here among a company of elderly Scholars, Lyra. Do you feel that?" "No."
He tapped his thumbs together over his interlaced fingers, unable to think of anything else to ask this stubborn child.
"If there is anything troubling you," he said finally, "you know you can come and , to have all this history around you." "Mm," said Lyra."But I wonder about your choice of companions. Are you a lonely child?" "No," she said."Do you miss the society of other children?" "No.""I don't mean Roger the kitchen boy. I mean children such as yourself. Nobly born children. Would you like to have some companions of that sort?" "No.""But other girls, perhaps..."

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