Monday 9 March 2009

Andy Warhol Camouflage green yellow white

Andy Warhol Camouflage green yellow whiteAndy Warhol Brooklyn BridgeAndy Warhol Banana
There's nothing wrong with this broomstick that you losing a few stone wouldn't cure," snapped Granny. "Or would you rather get off and walk?"
"Apart from the fact that half the time my feet are touching the ground anyway," said Cutangle. "I wouldn't want to embarrass you. If someone had asked me to list all the perils of flying, you know, it would never have occurred to me to include having one's legs whipped to death by tall bracken."
"Are you smoking?" said Granny, staring grimly ahead. "Something's burning."
"It was just to calm my nerves what with all this headlong plunging through the air, madam."
"Well, put "Nevertheless," said Granny thoughtfully, "I think that, on the whole, I would prefer you to move your hands." it out this minute. And hold on." The broomstick lurched upwards and increased its speed to that of a geriatric jogger. "Mr Wizard." "Hallo?" "When I said hold on -" "Yes?" "I didn't mean there." There was a pause. "Oh. Yes. I see. I'm terribly sorry." "That's all right." "My memory isn't what it was . . . I assure you . . . no offence meant." "None taken." They flew in silence for a moment.

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