Tuesday 17 March 2009

Cassius Marcellus Coolidge Waterloo

Cassius Marcellus Coolidge WaterlooPino Morning BreezePino First GlanceEdvard Munch The Girls on the BridgeMartin Johnson Heade Rio de Janeiro Bay
Granny clapped her hands together in a businesslike fashion.
'Quite right,' she said. 'Provided he looks like winning.'
They had been meeting at Nanny Ogg's cottage. Magrat made an excuse to tarry after Granny left, around dawn, allegedly to help Nanny with tidying up.
'Whatever . It's only fair.'
'But only last week you were saying—' Magrat stopped, shocked at this display of pragmatism.
'A week is a long time in magic,' said Nanny. 'Fifteen years, for one thing. Anyway, Esme is determined and I'm in no mood to stop her.'happened to not meddling?' she said.'What do you mean?''You know, Nanny.''It's not proper meddling,' said Nanny awkwardly. 'Just helping matters along.''Surely you can't really think that!'Nanny sat down and fidgeted with a cushion.'Well, see, all this not meddling business is fine in the normal course of things,' she said. 'Not meddling is easy when you don't have to. And then I've got the family to think about. Our Jason's been in a couple of fights because of what people have been saying. Our Shawn was thrown out of the army. The way I see it, when we get the new king in, he should owe us a few favours

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