Sunday 15 March 2009

Johannes Vermeer The Concert

Johannes Vermeer The ConcertJohannes Vermeer Girl Reading a Letter at an Open WindowGustave Courbet Plage de NormandieThomas Kinkade Town SquareThomas Kinkade PARIS EIFFEL TOWER
'Yes, well,' said Magrat doubtfully. She rummaged in her bag. 'Anyway, if we're going to start, we'd better light the candles.'
The senior witches exchanged a resigned glance.
'But we got this lovely new lamp our Tracie sent me,' said Nanny Ogg innocently. 'And I was going to poke up the fire a bit.'
'I have me we was still a coven,' sniffed Granny Weatherwax. 'Anyway, there's no-one else this side of the mountain, excepting old Gammer Dismass, and she doesn't get out these days.'
'But a lot of young girls in my village . . .' said Magrat. 'You know. They could excellent night vision, Magrat,' said Granny sternly. 'And you've been reading them funny books. Grimmers.''Grimoires—''You ain't going to draw on the floor again, neither,' warned Nanny Ogg. 'It took our Dreen days to clean up all those wossnames last time—''Runes,' said Magrat. There was a look of pleading in her eyes. 'Look, just one candle?''All right,' said Nanny Ogg, relenting a bit. 'If it makes you feel any better. Just the one, mind. And a decent white one. Nothing fancy.'Magrat sighed. It probably wasn't a good idea to bring out the rest of the contents of her bag.'We ought to get a few more here,' she said sadly. 'It's not right, a coven of three.''I didn't know we was still a coven. No-one told

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