Monday 13 April 2009

Caravaggio Judith Beheading Holofernes

Caravaggio Judith Beheading HolofernesCaravaggio Amor Vincit OmniaPierre-Auguste Cot Le Printemps
Very noble bird, the eagle. Intelligent, too," said the elderly man. "Interesting fact: eagles are the only birds to work out how to eat tortoises. You know? They pick them up, flying up very high, and drop them on to the rocks. Smashes . "Tell you what," he said. "Two bags of sugared dates for the price of one, how about it? And that's cutting my own hand off."
The woman glanced at the tray.
"Ere, there's flies all over everything!" she said.
"Currants, madam."
"Why'd they just fly away, then?" the woman demanded.them right open. Amazing.""One day," said a dull voice from down below, "I'm going to be back on form again and you're going to be very sorry you said that. For a very long time. I might even go so far as to make even more Time just for you to be sorry in. Or . . . no, I'll make you a tortoise. See how you like it, eh? That rushing wind around y'shell, the ground getting bigger the whole time. That'd be an interesting fact!""That sounds dreadful," said the woman, looking up at the eagle's glare. "I wonder what passes through the poor little creature's head when he's dropped?""His shell, madam," said the Great God Om, trying to squeeze himself even further under the bronze overhang.The man with the tray was looking dejected

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