Tuesday 28 April 2009

Paul Klee Red And White Domes

Paul Klee Red And White DomesPaul Klee Fire in the EveningPaul Klee FarbtafelClaude Monet Haystack at Giverny
means "man of the polis". That's an old word for city.'
'I read it in a book. Man of the city.'
She glanced sideways at him again. His face glowed in the light of a torch on the street corner, but it had some inner glow of its own.
He's proud. She remembered the oath.
Proud of only have something to gain.'
She waited to see if he'd fail to pick this one up, too. He did.
'Sergeant Colon wrote the notice,' said Carrot. 'He's a fairly direct thinker.'
He sniffed.
'Can you smell something?' he said. 'Smells like . . . a bit like someone's thrown away an old privy carpet?'
'Oh, thank you very much,' said a voice very low down, somewhere being in the damn Watch, for gods 'sake—'Why did you join?' he said.'Me? Oh, I . . . I like to eat meals and sleep indoors. Anyway, there isn't that much choice, is there? It was that or become . . . hah . . . a 'And you're not very good at sewing?'Angua's sharp glance saw nothing but honest innocence in his face.'Yes,' she said, giving up, 'that's right. And then I saw this poster. "The City Watche Needs Men! Be A Man In The City Watche!" So I thought I'd give it a go. After all, I'd

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