Wednesday 13 May 2009

Jack Vettriano Night Geometry

Jack Vettriano Night GeometryJack Vettriano Narcissistic BathersJack Vettriano Mr Cool
caught between lines. Only there was it pure. It was when people started doing things with it that the rot set in. Much better to sit quietly in a room and read the sheets, with nothing between yourself and the mind of the composer but a scribble of .'
'Nah, the monkey went on playin' what was left,' said Cumbling Michael. 'And people got up and started cheerin' and dancin and stampin' their feet like there was a plague of cockroaches.'
'And you say the men from the Musicians' Guild were hurt?'
'It was dead strange. They were white as a sheet afterwards. At least,' Cumbling ink. Having it played by sweaty fat men and people with hair in their ears and spit dribbling out of the end of their oboe . . . well, the idea made him shudder. Although not much, because he never did anything to extremes.So...'And then what happened?' he said.'An' then he started singin', yerronner,' said Cumbling Michael, licensed beggar and informal informant. 'A song about Great Fiery Balls.'The Patrician raised an eyebrow.'Pardon?''Somethin' like that. Couldn't really make out the words, the reason bein', the piano exploded.''Ah? I imagine this interrupted the proceedings somewhat

Monday 11 May 2009

Edward Hopper Lighthouse Hill

Edward Hopper Lighthouse HillEdward Hopper Hotel RoomEdward Hopper Hotel LobbyEdward Hopper Girlie Show
'This is a battlefield, isn't it?' said the raven patiently. 'You've got to have ravens afterwards.' Its freewheeling eyes swivelled in its head. 'Carrion regardless, as you might say.'
'You mean'You ever learn mythology?' it said.
'No. Miss Butts says it's just made‑up stories with little literary content.'
'Ah. Deary me. Can't have that, can we? Oh, well. You'll soon see. Must rush.' The raven leapt into the air. 'I generally try to get a seat near the head.' everyone gets eaten?''Part of the miracle of nature,' said the raven.'That's horrible,' said Susan. Black birds were already circling in the sky.'Not really,' said the raven. 'Horses for courses, you might say.'One side, if that's what you could call it, was fleeing the field of battle with the others in pursuit.The birds started to settle on what was, Susan realized with horror, an early breakfast. Soft bits, sunny side up.'You'd better go and look for your lad,' said the raven. 'Otherwise he'll miss his ride.''What ride?'The eyes orbited again.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Theodore Chasseriau Apollo and Daphne

Theodore Chasseriau Apollo and DaphneEmile Munier Cupid DisarmedHenri Fantin-Latour Still Life With Flowers And FruitFilippino Lippi Adoration of the Child
barely noticeable, except to Vimes but the butler glanced at Lady Ramkin for her approval.
'Do as your master says,' she said, gallantly.
'I'm no-one's mas—of species or mortal status—'
'Yes, sir,' said Carrot, firmly. 'They're all citizens.'
'You mean you could have vampires in the Watch?'
'Very good on night duty, sir. And aerial surveillance.'' Vimes began.'Now, Sam,' said Lady Ramkin.'Well, I'm not,' said Vimes sullenly.Carrot marched in, and stood to attention. As usual, the room subtly became a mere background to him.'It's all right, lad,' said Vimes, as nicely as he could manage. 'You don't need to salute.''Yes I do, sir,' said Carrot. He handed Vimes an envelope. It had the seal of the Patrician on it.Vimes picked up a knife and broke the seal.'Probably charging me five dollars for unnecessary wear and tear on my chainmail,' he said.His lips moved as he read.'Blimey,' he said eventually. 'Fifty-six?''Yes, sir. Detritus is looking forward to breaking them in.''Including undead? It says here open to all, regardless

Monday 4 May 2009

Mark Spain Carmen

Mark Spain CarmenMark Spain Burning DesireMark Spain Blue Dress On Gold
Carrot. 'An appointment is an engagement to see someone, while a morningstar is a large lump of metal used for viciously crushing skulls. It is important not to confuse the two, isn't it, Mr—?' He raised his eyebrows.
'Boffo, sir. But—'
'So if you could perhaps run along and tell Dr White-face we're here with an iron ball with spi— What am I saying? I mean, without an . We heard there's gangs of trolls and dwarfs terrorizing the city.'
'Dat's what they say,' said Detritus, nodding.
'Incidentally, do you know what it is they—' Cuddy began, appointment to see him? Please? Thank you.'The clown scuttled off.'There,' said Carrot. 'Was that all right, sergeant?''He's probably going to be satirical, even,' said Colon, morosely.They waited. After a while Lance-Constable Cuddy took a screwdriver from his pocket and inspected the custard-pie-throwing machine bolted to the door. The rest of them shuffled their feet, except for Nobby, who kept dropping things on his.Boffo reappeared, flanked by two muscular jesters who didn't look as though they had a sense of humour at all.'Dr Whiteface says there's no such thing as a city militia,' he ventured. 'But. Um. Dr Whiteface says, if it's really important he'll see some of you. But not the trolls or the dwarf

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