Monday 11 May 2009

Edward Hopper Lighthouse Hill

Edward Hopper Lighthouse HillEdward Hopper Hotel RoomEdward Hopper Hotel LobbyEdward Hopper Girlie Show
'This is a battlefield, isn't it?' said the raven patiently. 'You've got to have ravens afterwards.' Its freewheeling eyes swivelled in its head. 'Carrion regardless, as you might say.'
'You mean'You ever learn mythology?' it said.
'No. Miss Butts says it's just made‑up stories with little literary content.'
'Ah. Deary me. Can't have that, can we? Oh, well. You'll soon see. Must rush.' The raven leapt into the air. 'I generally try to get a seat near the head.' everyone gets eaten?''Part of the miracle of nature,' said the raven.'That's horrible,' said Susan. Black birds were already circling in the sky.'Not really,' said the raven. 'Horses for courses, you might say.'One side, if that's what you could call it, was fleeing the field of battle with the others in pursuit.The birds started to settle on what was, Susan realized with horror, an early breakfast. Soft bits, sunny side up.'You'd better go and look for your lad,' said the raven. 'Otherwise he'll miss his ride.''What ride?'The eyes orbited again.

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