Monday 29 September 2008

Frederic Edwin Church paintings

Frederic Edwin Church paintings
Frederic Remington paintings
Francisco de Goya paintings
something wicked—said the dons hadn’t no right to put grass there for a gentleman to fall over. Said he was going to go and murder the lot of them.”
“Well, Hastings?”
“Well, he’s done it, sir.”
“What! all of them, Hastings?”
“No, sir, not all; but Mr. Curtis sir. The Dean went to find him to tell him to go to bed and found him asleep on the floor of Mr. Curtis’s room and Mr. Curtis,” with great glee, “dripping blood, sir. Quite slowly, pit-a-pat, as you might say.”
“Well, I’m damned!”
“Yes, indeed, sir. So was the Dean. He is with the Warden now, sir.”
The sky filled with chimes; it was twelve o’clock.
“Well, I must go to bed, Hastings. It’s a funny Business.”
“Yes, sir, and good night, sir.”
“Good night, Hastings.”
So Edward went to bed with a grave disquiet. It was a pity that Poxe should have done this; it was really a very great pity. But as he grew sleepier the conviction grew that perhaps

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