Saturday 27 September 2008

Eric Wallis paintings

Eric Wallis paintings
Edmund Blair Leighton paintings
Eugene de Blaas paintings
Yes, did you know him? I barely did. I hear he was rather awful. If you want to be genealogical, I have an uncle who is a duke. But I barely know him either.”
“And you are a painter?”
“Did Barbara tell you that?”
“She said you were an artistic genius.”
“She’s a loyal little thing. She must mean my music.”
“You compose?”
“I improvise sometimes. I play the guitar.”
bars, you know.”
“I do not know, I’m afraid. And you make a living by it?”
“Not what you would call a living.”
“May I ask, then, how you propose to support my daughter?”
“Oh that doesn’t come into it. It’s the other way round. I’m doing what you did, marrying money. Now I know what’s in your mind. ‘Buy him off,’ you think. I assure

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