Saturday 27 September 2008

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres paintings

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres paintings
John William Godward paintings
John William Waterhouse paintings
been greeted in limber youth. Two arms embraced his neck and drew him down, an agile figure inclined over the protuberance of his starched shirt, a cheek was pressed to his and teeth tenderly nibbled the lobe of his ear.
“Babs, I thought you were at a party. Why on earth are you dressed like that?”
His daughter wore very tight, very short trousers, slippers and a thin jersey. He disengaged himself and slapped her loudly on the behind.
“Sadist. It’s that sort of party. It’s a ‘happening.’
“You speak in riddles, child.”
“It’s a new sort of party the Americans have invented. Nothing is arranged beforehand. Things just happen. Tonight they cut off a girl’s clothes with nail scissors and then painted her green. She had a mask on so I don’t know who it was. She might just be someone

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