Friday 17 October 2008

Guido Reni reni Aurora painting

Guido Reni reni Aurora paintingFrancois Boucher Madame de Pompadour paintingFrancois Boucher Adoration of the Shepherds painting
surname The Great-oh, that radish!-and another still worse one about how he himself had lost his hair in the Bazaar at Alexandria. I'd tell you them both now but for this boy here, and but for your being certain to miss the point, not having been educated in Caesar's camp. Not a word about the approaching battle except just at the close:But perhaps you'll never bother. I'll tell you the rest: Caesar was a wonderful mimic, you know, and he gave them Pompey's dying speech, preparatory to falling on his sword (the radish again-with the end bitten off). He railed, in Pompey's name, at the Immortal Gods for always allowing vice to triumph over virtue. How
'Poor old Pompey! Up against Julius Caesar and his men! What a chance he has!'"
"You didn't put any of this in your history," said Livy. "Not in the public editions," said Pollio. "I'm not a fool. Still if you like to borrow the private Supplement which I have just finished writing, you'll find it there.

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