Tuesday 14 October 2008

Vincent van Gogh Le Moulin a Poivre painting

Vincent van Gogh Le Moulin a Poivre paintingVincent van Gogh Landscape with Olive Trees paintingVincent van Gogh The Yellow House painting
was interested to come across passages in the public chapters which I could have sworn I had written or dictated, the style was so peculiarly my own, and yet which I had no recollection of writing or dictating. If they were by Polybius they were a wonderfully clever piece of mimicry (he had my other histories to study, I admit), but if they were really by myself then my memory is even worse than my enemies declare it to be. Reading over what I have just put down I see that I must be rather exciting than disarming suspicion, first as to my sole authorship of what follows, next as to my integrity as an historian, and finally as to my memory for facts. But I shall let it stand; 'tis myself as I feel, and as the history proceeds the reader will be the more ready to believe that I am hiding nothing-so much being to my discredit.
This is a confidential history. But who, it may be asked, are my confidants? My answer is: it is addressed to posterity. I do not mean my great-grandchildren, or my great-great-grandchildren

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