Friday 27 February 2009

Jack Vettriano long time Gone

Jack Vettriano long time GoneJack Vettriano Lazy Hazy DaysJack Vettriano Just Another DayJack Vettriano her Secret life
their front porch as the sun rises.
Whatever works for you, but make it something to look forward to.
Don’t force to them. Snuggle up close on the couch or bed, and read a good book. It’s great quality time, and it helps you enjoy reading more as well. Reading chapter books, such as BFG or Matilda or the Hobbit or Harry Potter, is a great experience for both child and adult.
You might also try reading groups in your area, or discussion groups online. Discussing a book is a great way to make reading fun, to motivate yourself yourself to read — do it because it’s fun and enjoyable. If you treat it like a chore, it will feel like one. If you treat it like a treat, that’s what it will be. Make reading a voluntary thing, a hobby, a passion.Learn to immerse yourself in the world of a book, and forget about the world around you. This is related to being in the moment, or finding the state of Flow — time seems to disappear, and nothing else exists but your book.If you have kids or grandkids, read

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