Sunday 1 March 2009

Benjamin Williams Leader A Fine Day on the Thames

Benjamin Williams Leader A Fine Day on the ThamesAlexei Alexeivich Harlamoff The Flower GirlsAlexei Alexeivich Harlamoff Literary Pursuits of a Young LadyJean Fragonard The Swing
He turned back to Twoflower.
"I can see what it is," he said, "But what is it?"
Twoflower shrugged. Behind Rincewind the sea troll said, "Up ahead is my house. We will talk more when we are there.
A double rainbow corruscated into being. Close into the lip of the Rimfall were the seven lesser colours, sparkling and dancing in the spray of the dying seas.
But they were pale in comparison to the wider band that floated beyond them, not deigning to share the same spectrum. It was the King Colour, of . Now I must row."Rincewind found that looking ahead meant that he would have to turn and find out what a sea troll actually looked like, and he wasn't sure he wanted to do that yet. He looked at the Rimbow instead. It hung in the mists a few lengths beyond the edge of the world, appearing only at morning and evening when the light of the Disc's little orbiting sun shone past the massive bulk of Great A'tuin the World Turtle and struck the Disc's magical field at exactly the right angle

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