Wednesday 4 February 2009

Leroy Neiman The DiMaggio Cut

Leroy Neiman The DiMaggio CutLeroy Neiman The Cove at VintageLeroy Neiman The Catch
He cast up and down. Had it vanished? Had it closed? He couldn't see it anywhere.
And then suddenly he had it. He moved back and forth, watching the edge. Just as he'd found the night before, on the Oxford side of it, you could only see it at all from one side: when you moved behind it, it was invisible. And the sun on the grass beyond it was just like the sun on the grass on this side, except unaccountably different.
"Here it is," he said when he was sure.
"Ah! I see it!"
"Traffic. It's a part of the Oxford ring road. It's bound to be busy. Get down and look at it from the side. It's the wrong time of day to go through, really; there's far too many people She was agog, she looked as astounded as he'd looked himself to hear Pantalaimon talk. Her daemon, unable to remain inside her pocket, had come out to be a wasp, and he buzzed up to the hole and back several times, while she rubbed her still slightly wet hair into spikes."Keep to one side," he told her. "If you stand in front of it people'd just see a pair of legs, and that would make 'em curious. I don't want anyone noticing.""What's that noise?"

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