Tuesday 3 February 2009

Titian The Three Ages of Man

Titian The Three Ages of ManTitian Saint ChristopherGeorge Inness The Trout Brook
outside Geneva, Switzerland, from people worried it could create a mini-singularity that would gobble up the planet.
Fortunately, the machine broke down after a few days. The end of the world will have to be pushed back to next summer Some scenarios say we've got only a billion good years left on this planet — rather gloomy, since form has been around for about 3.7 billion years and this means we're already close to the end.
Then again, it's also possible that scientists of an advanced future civilization could simply tow out Earth to a safer orbit, after having presumably rendered Mars and Venus inhabitable as well.at the earliest.An artist's impression of a star boiling the water off a planet, as will happen to the Earth in about a billion years as the sun expands.The expanding sun: If all else fails, the Earth will almost certainly come to an end in about 5 billion years when it falls into the expanding sun.It's perfectly natural — stars like ours simply turn into red giants near the end of , and their inner planets become toast.Terrestrial inhabitants need not worry, since they'll be boiled off much earlier by the sheer heat of the growing star.

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