Thursday 16 April 2009

Frederic Edwin Church Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives

Frederic Edwin Church Jerusalem from the Mount of OlivesWilliam Merritt Chase On the Lake Central ParkWilliam Merritt Chase The Nursery
shouting, mister! There's guards around!"
Urn let the water gush for a moment as he struggled out of his robe, and then he rammed the sodden material into the pipe. It shot out again with some force and slapped wetly against the lead funnel, sliding down until it blocked the tube that led to the weights. The water piled up behind it and then spilled over on to the floor.
Urn glanced at theHe gestured with his spanner.
"Well, it's the seating, innit," he said. "You've got shocking seepage around the seating. Amazing it holds together."
The man stepped into the room. He glared uncer­tainly at Urn for a moment and then turned his atten­tion to the gushing pipe. And then back to Urn.
"But you're not-” he began.
He spun around as Fergmen hit the guard hard with a le weight. It hadn't begun to move.He relaxed slightly. Now, provided there was still enough water to make the weight drop . . ."Both of you-stand still."He looked around, his mind going numb.There was a heavy-set man in a black robe standing in the stricken doorway. Behind him, a guard held a sword in a meaningful manner."Who are you? Why are you here?"Urn hesitated for only a moment.

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