Friday 17 April 2009


Cao Yong GARDEN BEAUTIESCao Yong FRIENDSCao Yong Freedom
circles, of course,” she said.
“Oh, no,” said Magrat. “I can tell by the way you said it.
Terry Pratehett
You said Them as though it was some sort of curse. It wasn’t just a them, it was a them with a capital The.”
The old witches looked awkward again.
“And who’s the Long Man?” said Magrat.
“We do not,” said Granny, “ever talk about the Long Man.”
“No harm in telling her Ogg.
Magrat snapped.
“You just do this on purpose! You talk in code the whole
time! You always do this! But you won’t be able to when I’m
That stopped them.about the Dancers, at any rate,” mumbled Nanny Ogg.“Yes, but ... you know ... I mean . . . she’s Magrat,” said Granny.“What’s that meant to mean?” Magrat demanded.“You probably won’t feel the same way about Them, is what I am saying,” said Granny.“We’re talking about the—“ Nanny Ogg began.“Don’t name ‘em!”“Yeah, right. Sorry.”“Mind you, a circle might not find the Dancers,” said Granny. “We can always hope. Could be just random.”“But if one opens up inside the—“ said Nanny
Nanny Ogg put her head on one side.
“Oh?” she said. “Young Verence popped the question, then

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