Wednesday 22 April 2009

Frida Kahlo What the Water Gave Me

Frida Kahlo What the Water Gave MeFrida Kahlo Two Nudes in the ForestFrida Kahlo Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace
shook her head. She could think of at least three ways of getting into the room, and only one of them involved going through the door. But there was a time and a place for witchcraft, and this wasn’t it. Nanny Ogg had led a long and generally happy life by knowing when not to be a witch, and this was one of those times.
She went down the stairs and out of the castle. Shawn was standing guard at the main gate, surreptitiously practic-ing karate chops on the evening air. He stopped and looked embarrassed as Nanny Ogg approached.
“Wish I was goingTerry Pratchett
“They’ve got some special provisions in, what with the wedding and all the gentry here,” said Casanunda. “I’ve made special arrangements.”
These had been quite difficult. to the Entertainment, Mum.” “I daresay the king will be very generous to you come payday on account of your duty,” said Nanny Ogg. “Remind me to remind him.”“Aren’t you going?”“Well, I’m . . . I’m just going for a stroll into town,” said Nanny. “I expect Esme went with ‘em, did she?” “Couldn’t say, Mum.”“Just a few things I got to do.”She hadn’t gone much further before a voice behind her said, “Ello, oh moon of my delight.”“You do sneak up on people, Casanunda.”“I’ve arranged for us to have dinner at the Goat and Bush,” said the dwarf Count.“Ooo, that’s a horrible expensive place,” said Nanny Ogg. “Never eaten there.”191

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