Tuesday 21 April 2009

Pop art guitar

Pop art guitarPop art guitar playerPop art elvis
Nothing funny about the Tooth Fairy,” said Granny. “Very hard-working woman. I’ll never know how she man-ages with the ladder and everything. No. Elves are real. Oh, drat. Listen...”
She turned, and held up a finger.
“Feudal system, they want, and they want everything. But worst of all, the worst bit is ... they read your mind. They hear what you think, and in self-defense you think what they want. Glamour. And it’s barred windows at night, and food out for the fairies, and turning around three times before you talks about ‘em, and horseshoes over the door.”right?”“What?”“Feudal system! Pay attention. Feudal system. King ontop, then barons and whatnot, then everyone else .. . witchesoff to one side a bit,” Granny added diplomatically. She131Terry Pratchettsteepled her fingers. “Feudal system. Like them pointy build-ings heathen kings get buried in. Understand?”“Yes.”“Right. That’s how the elves see things, yes? When they get into a world, everyone else is on the bottom. Slaves. Worse than slaves. Worse than animals, even. They take what

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