Thursday 22 January 2009

Jack Vettriano Sometimes It's A Man's World

Jack Vettriano Sometimes It's A Man's WorldJack Vettriano Soho NightsJack Vettriano Silhouette
million shades between them; and black, in places, in lines and streaks of bright pitch; and silvery, too, where the sun caught the tops of a particular kind of grass just coming into flower; and blue, where a wide lake some way she'd done, and marveling at the extent of it. And at the light, and at the warmth, and at the quiet.
She climbed slowly back to join him and found him cutting the names of the Gallivespians on the little headstone, and setting it more firmly in the soil.
"Are they..." he said, and she knew he meant the daemons.
"Don't know. I haven't propelled himself with powerful backward strokes of his lateral limbs. Some of the creatures had gone to the pond to drink; the others waited, but not with the mild, passive curiosity of cows gathering at a gate. These were individuals, lively with intelligence and purpose. They were people.
Will and Lyra

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Edward Hopper Chop Suey

Edward Hopper Chop SueyJean Francois Millet The GleanersJean Fragonard The Swing 1767
again, beating his one free wing to fling off the golden monkey; but Lord Asriel's arms were firm around him still, and in fact the man had a better grip now there wasn't so much to enclose. Lord Asriel set himself to crushing the breath to the back of his head. When he flung himself sideways, Metatron had seized a fist-sized rock, and now he brought it down with brutal force on the point of Lord Asriel's skull. The man felt the bones of his head move against each other, and he knew that another blow like that would kill him outright. Dizzy with pain, pain that was worse for the pressure of his head against the angel's side, he still clung fast, the fingers of his right hand crushing the bones of his left, and stumbled for a footing among the fractured rocks.
And as Metatron raised the bloody stone high, a golden-furred shape sprang up out of Metatron, grinding his ribs together, and trying to ignore the savage blows that were landing on his skull and his neck.But those blows were beginning to tell. And as Lord Asriel tried to keep his footing on the broken rocks, something shattering happened

Sunday 18 January 2009

Theodore Chasseriau Apollo and Daphne

Theodore Chasseriau Apollo and DaphneCaravaggio The Supper at EmmausCaravaggio Taking of Christ
know why you need the child's hair?"
"No, Brother Louis, because it would disturb you. Leave these matters to us. Off you go."
The young man took the locket and left, smothering his resentment. Lord Roke thought of going back with him and waking Mrs. Coulter just as he was trying to replace the chain, in order to see what she'd do; but it was more important to chamber. You understand, each individual is unique, and the arrangement of genetic particles quite distinct... Well, as soon as it's analyzed, the information is coded in a series of anbaric pulses and transferred to the aiming device. That locates the origin of the material, the hair, wherever she may be. It's a process that actually makes use of the find out what these people were up to.As the door closed, the Gallivespian went back into the shadows and listened."How did you know where she had it?" said the scientist."Every time she mentioned the child," the President said, "her hand went to the locket. Now then, how soon can it be ready?""A matter of hours," said Dr. Cooper."And the hair? What do you do with that?""We place the hair in the resonating

Friday 16 January 2009

Jack Vettriano Beautiful Dreamer 2001

Jack Vettriano Beautiful Dreamer 2001Jack Vettriano Bad, Bad BoysJack Vettriano Bad Boy, Good Girl
Will, are they Specters?" Lyra said quietly. "Are we grown up enough to see Specters now?"
"I don't think so. Will. "Could we buy some food and pay for shelter?"
The man was looking past them, into the dark, and then he came out and looked around further, as if there were someone missing. Then he turned to the strange figures standing by and said:
"Did you see any death?"If we were, they'd attack us, but they seem to be afraid themselves. I don't know what they are."A door opened, and light spilled out on the muddy ground. A man, a real man, a human being, stood in the doorway, watching them approach. The little cluster of figures around the door moved back a step or two, as if out of respect, and they saw the man's face: stolid, harmless, and mild."Who are you?" he said."Travelers," said Will. "We don't know where we are. What is this town?""This is the holding area," said the man. "Have you traveled far?""A long way, yes, and we're tired," said

Thursday 15 January 2009

Steve Thoms Poppies

Steve Thoms PoppiesEdvard Munch Puberty 1894Unknown Artist Heighton After Hours
so he couldn't use his spurs, and was holding him high.
"Stalemate again," said the Lady calmly. "Put the Chevalier down, boy."
"Let go of Lyra's But Will interrupted: "As for me, I'm not going to be spoken to like that, so don't try. Respect goes two ways. Now listen carefully. You are not in charge here; we are. If you want to daemon first," said Will. "I'm not in the mood to argue."Lyra saw with a cold thrill that Will was perfectly ready to dash the Gallivespian's head against the rock. And both little people knew it.Salmakia lifted her foot away from Pantalaimon's leg, and at once he fought free of her grasp and changed into a wildcat, hissing ferociously, fur on end, tail lashing. His bared teeth were a hand's breadth from the Lady's face, and she gazed at him with perfect composure. After a moment he turned and fled to Lyra's breast, ermine-shaped, and Will carefully placed Tialys back on the rock beside his partner."You should show some respect," the Chevalier said to Lyra. "You are a thoughtless, insolent child, and several brave men have died this evening in order to make you safe. You'd do better to act politely.""Yes," she said humbly, "I'm sorry, I will. Honest.""As for you...” he went on, turning to Will.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna Litta

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna LittaLeonardo da Vinci Female HeadLeonardo da Vinci Annunciation
promise to watch over him tirelessly; and then the pressure of his grief would had ever shown, and there were thousands, and he'd forgotten none of them; and he'd cry that a nature so gracious could never be snuffed out, and he'd soar into the skies again, casting about in every direction, reckless and wild and stricken, cursing the very air, the clouds, the stars.
Finally Will said, "end for me. Balthamos, I need you to help guide me to Lyra. Please don't forget that. Baruch was strong, be strong, too. Be like him for me."
At first Balthamos didn't speak, but then he said, "Yes. Yes, of course I must. Sleep now, Will, and I shall stand guard, I shan't fail you."
Will trusted him; he had to. And presently he fell asleep againBalthamos, come here."The angel came at his command, helpless. Shivering inside his cloak, in the hitter cold gloom of the tundra, the boy said to him, "You must try to keep quiet now. You know there are things out there that'll attack if they hear a noise. I can protect you with the knife if you're nearby, but if they attack you up there, I won't be able to help. And if you die, too, that'll be the

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Francisco de Zurbaran Still life with Oranges

Francisco de Zurbaran Still life with OrangesFrancisco de Zurbaran Rest on the flight to EgyptClaude Lorrain Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba
Time management / Daily Routine * Friendships * Physical Development * Financial health * career Development
2. Do it quickly. You don’t need to over think this. You can always come back and redo this step.
3. Draw a large circleon the circle, assign a rating out of 100% based on where you are today and where you want to ultimately be for that life area. How do you feel about it, versus how you want to feel in an ideal scenario. A 100% rating means you are completely satisfied, and 0% means you are completely dissatisfied. Write the percentage number down within each piece of the pie.
6. Draw a line within the pie to represent the percentage number in relation . Divide the circle up like a pie chart, where the number of pie pieces is equal to the number of life categories from above. (Alternatively, print out a blank chart with 8 categories: Image Word Doc PDF )4. In each piece of the pie, write the name of one life category.5. For each of the life categories

Monday 12 January 2009

Vincent van Gogh Village at Sunset

Vincent van Gogh Village at SunsetVincent van Gogh View of Arles with IrisesVincent van Gogh The Old Mill
pieces is equal to the number of categories from above. (Alternatively, print out a blank chart with 8 categories: Image Word Doc PDF )
4. In each piece of the pie, write the name of one category.
5. For each of the life the percentage number in relation to how much of the piece of the pie has been filled up. The center of the it, versus how you want to feel in an ideal scenario. A 100% rating means you are completely satisfied, and 0% means you are completely dissatisfied. Write the percentage number down within each piece of the pie.6. Draw a line within the pie to represent circle is 0 and outer edge is 100.7. Shade in the areas. This gives you a picture of where you stand in each of the that are important to you.As an example, here’s one I created for myself a month ago (Click on it for larger image):categories on the circle, assign a rating out of 100% based on where you are today and where you want to ultimately be for that area. How do you feel about

Friday 9 January 2009

Andy Warhol Buttons

Andy Warhol ButtonsAndy Warhol Butterflies big green in middleAndy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge
Here's a great technique that will add variety to your oral pleasingtalents. It's been around for centuries. But we'll bet your woman hasnever experienced it -- until now.Here's What You Need:One candle.Here's How You Do It:Get your woman swirls around the candle and causes to flame to flicker,duplicate the movements of the flame with your tongue.If you like, let your woman know what you're doing so she can anticipatethe movements. It's as if the flame itself is pleasuring her.Continue until the flame ignites fireworks in your woman.PAGEnaked. Have her lie on her back with her knees bentand legs slightly apart.Light the candle and place it near your woman's head (not too close).Usually, on top of the nightstand will do just fine.If you've got a ceiling fan in your bedroom, turn it on low. Otherwise, anytype of fan that will move the air gently around the candle will do.Position yourself so you can pleasure your woman orally and see theflame of the candle at the same time.As the air

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Andy Warhol Banana

Andy Warhol BananaAndy Warhol 300 SL Coupe 1954
Andy Warhol Superman
Intervention. Now don't let that big word scare you. The talking heads on TV have been discussing it all week because the major banks of the world are going to "prop up" the Euro.
What the heck is the "euro"? This is a currency just like the British Pound, the French Franc and the German Duetschmark, sinking ever since.
It was supposed to stabilize the European currencies, but all the underlying currencies have been going down in relation to the US Dollar. When the tide goes out the boat goes down. The tide is the various currencies and the boat is the Euro.
Everything must be converted to Euros. Oil is world-priced in U.S. dollars but it supercedes those currencies and is supposed to ultimately replace them as the money of all the European countries. It is another layer on top of the currency of each country. It was introduced in January 1999 and has been

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Jack Vettriano Yesterday's Dreams

Jack Vettriano Yesterday's DreamsJack Vettriano Union JackJack Vettriano The Temptress
But knowing Jack, it might be some pretend place where the bluebirds sing and there’s a whiskey spring.”
“We herded sheep on Brokeback one summer,” said Ennis. He could hardly speak.
“Well, he said it was his place. I thought he meant to get drunk.
Drink whiskey up there. He drank a lot.”
“His folks still up in mother, stout and careful in her movements as though recovering from an operation, said, “Want some coffee, don’t you? Piece a cherry cake?” “Thank you, ma’am, I’ll take a but I can’t eat no cake just now.”Lightnin Flat?”“Oh yeah. They’ll be there until they die. I never met them. They didn’t come down for the funeral. You get in touch with them. I suppose they’d appreciate it if his wishes was carried out.” No doubt about it, she was polite but the little voice was cold as snow.The road to Lightning Flat went through desolate country past a dozen abandoned ranches distributed over the plain at eight- and tenmile intervals, houses sitting blank-eyed in the weeds, corral fences down. The mailbox read John C. Twist. The ranch was a meagre little place, leafy spurge taking over. The stock was too far distant for him to see their condition, only that they were black baldies. A porch stretched across the front of the tiny brown stucco house, four rooms, two down, two up.Ennis sat at the kitchen table with Jack’s father. Jack’s

Monday 5 January 2009

Andy Warhol daisy 1982 painting

Andy Warhol daisy 1982 paintingAndy Warhol Camouflage green yellow white paintingAndy Warhol Brooklyn Bridge painting
There are many more," said Light. "No one could count them. But go a little further, you will see other things."
Tyltyl did as he was told and elbowed his way through; but it was difficult for him to move, because a crowd of Blue Children pressed all around them. At last, by mounting on a step, our little friend was able to look over the throng of back quietly to what they were doing, though still watching our friends with astonished eyes.
One of them, however, remained standing close to Tyltyl. He was inquisitive heads and see what was happening in every part of the hall. It was most extraordinary! Tyltyl had never dreamt of anything like it! He danced with joy; and Mytyl, who was hanging on to him and standing on tiptoe so that she might see too, Mytyl clapped her hands and gave loud cries of wonder. All around were millions of Children in blue, some playing, others walking about, others talking or thinking. Many were asleep; many also were at work; and their instruments, their tools, the machines which they were building, the plants, the flowers and the fruits which they were growing or gathering were of the same bright and heavenly blue as the general appearance of the palace. Among the Children moved tall persons also dressed in blue they were very beautiful and looked just like angels. They came up to Light and smiled and gently pushed aside the Blue Children, who went

Friday 2 January 2009

hassam End of the Trolley Line

hassam End of the Trolley Linehassam County Fair New Englandhassam Clearing Sunsethassam Carriage Parade
Europe's single currency has come of age early. The euro turns ten on Jan. 1, a milestone for one of the most powerful symbols of European identity. It has already endured a rite of passage over the past few months, as the global financial it wasn't until Jan. 1, 1999 that 11 E.U. countries locked their national currencies together into a fixed exchange rate. Three years later physical coins and notes became available, replacing national cash in a massive changeover operation.
The euro zone is now 15 members large and has a combined population of around 320 million. However, many more people are directly affected by the euro, from crisis battered European markets yet failed to fluster the euro. And, like any debutante, it has its suitors: a string of countries lining up to dump their national currencies and join the euro zone.It's a remarkable achievement for a currency whose only global rival is the U.S. dollar. The greenback has over two centuries of history behind it. But

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