Monday 20 April 2009

George Inness Passing Clouds

George Inness Passing CloudsGeorge Inness End of DayGeorge Inness Early Moonrise Florida
everyone lived in the turrets and halls near the gate.
“I mean, look at the crenellations,” said Magrat.
“What, m’m?”
“The cut-out bits on top of the walls. You could hold off an army here.”
“That’s what a castle’s for, isn’t it, m’m?”
Magrat sighed. “Can we stop the ‘m’m’, please? It makes you sound uncertain.”
“Mm, Terry Pratchett
“And we haven’t even measured half the windows yet,” said Magrat, rolling up the tape measure.
She looked down the length of the Long Gallery. The thing about it, the thing that made it so noticeable, the first thing anyone noticed about it, was that it was very long. It shared certain distinctive traits with the Great Hall and the Deep Dungeonsm’m?”“I mean, who is there to fight up here? Not even trolls could come over the mountains, and anyone coming up the road is asking for a rock on the head. Besides, you only have to cut down Lancre bridge.”“Dunno, m’m. Kings’ve got to have castles, I s’pose.”“Don’t you ever wonder about anything, you stupid girl?”“What good does that do, m’m?”I called her a stupid girl, thought Magrat. Royalty is rub-bing off on me.“Oh, well,” she said, “where’ve we got to?”“We’re going to need two thousand yards of the blue chintz material with the little white flowers,” said Millie.95

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