Friday 27 February 2009

Jack Vettriano long time Gone

Jack Vettriano long time GoneJack Vettriano Lazy Hazy DaysJack Vettriano Just Another DayJack Vettriano her Secret life
their front porch as the sun rises.
Whatever works for you, but make it something to look forward to.
Don’t force to them. Snuggle up close on the couch or bed, and read a good book. It’s great quality time, and it helps you enjoy reading more as well. Reading chapter books, such as BFG or Matilda or the Hobbit or Harry Potter, is a great experience for both child and adult.
You might also try reading groups in your area, or discussion groups online. Discussing a book is a great way to make reading fun, to motivate yourself yourself to read — do it because it’s fun and enjoyable. If you treat it like a chore, it will feel like one. If you treat it like a treat, that’s what it will be. Make reading a voluntary thing, a hobby, a passion.Learn to immerse yourself in the world of a book, and forget about the world around you. This is related to being in the moment, or finding the state of Flow — time seems to disappear, and nothing else exists but your book.If you have kids or grandkids, read

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Edward Hopper House by the Railroad

Edward Hopper House by the RailroadAmedeo Modigliani the Seated NudeAmedeo Modigliani Seated NudeAmedeo Modigliani Red Nude
Rincewind watched the body drift away, and considered his next move. The Luggage would probably float. All he had to do was wait until dusk, and then go out with the tide. There were plenty of wild places downstream where he could wade ashore, and then - well, if the Patrician really had sent out word about him then a change of clothing and a shave should take care of that. In any case, there were other lands and he had a facility for languages. Let him but get to Chimera or Gonim or Ecalpon and half a dozen armies couldn't bring him back. And then , security...
There was, of, master," said the old man calmly. "Save, perhaps, in the matter of preserved echinoderms."
The Patrician shrugged, and indicated the scroll on the table.
"Read that," he said.
Gorphal picked up the parchment and raised one eyebrow slightly course, the problem of Twoflower.Rincewind allowed himself a moment's sadness."It could be worse," he said by way of farewell. "It could be me."It was when he tried to move that he found his robe was caught on some obstruction. By craning his neck he found that the edge of it was being gripped firmly by the Luggage's lid. "Ah, Gorphal," said the Patrician pleasantly. Come in. Sit down. Can I press you to a candied starfish?""I am yours to command

Monday 23 February 2009

Paul Cezanne Card Players

Paul Cezanne Card PlayersLaurie Maitland fireWilliam Bouguereau InnocenceBill Brauer The Gold Dress
Most of us have a preference for certain labels or brands because of positive experiences we’ve had with particular products over the years - that’s understandable (intelligent even) and not what I’m talking about today. No, I’m talking about people who have an unhealthy and irrational desire to own certain labels no matter On some level, Label Shoppers believe that ownership of a particular product will meet some kind of need in them. And they’re right. For a day. Because that’s about how long it will be before they will need to shop again. Amazingly, those $800 jeans won’t lead to life-long nirvana or universal approval or acceptance. Who’da thought? By the way, the need they have is emotional, not practical. Nobodwhat. I’m talking about people who won’t even consider another less-expensive label - even if that label is of comparable or identical quality to the more desirable label. I’m talking about people who love to be seen drinking the expensive wine, even when it tastes like crap. And I’m talking about the person who puts him or her self under huge financial pressure to buy the car that they really can’t afford and definitely don’t need.y needs

Sunday 22 February 2009

John Constable The White Horse

John Constable The White HorseJohn Constable The Hay WainJohn Constable Salisbury CathedralJohn Constable Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows
analysis of the biological costs vs benefits.Sequential hermaphroditism naturally occurs in various organisms from plants to fishes. Following four decades of research that established why sex change is advantageous, the question remained why it is rare among animals. In this study, Yale graduate student Erem Kazancıoğlu and his advisor sex make hermaphroditism unfeasible for most animals."
To test whether the biological costs of changing sex affect sex change actually occurs, the researchers built theoretical models of the hermaphrodite and separate-sex histories. In their "game" models, sex change "players" vary the age of their sex change, while the separate-sex strategy responds by altering the number of male and female offspring it produces.Suzanne Alonzo, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, demonstrate that sex While the adaptive advantage of sex change is well understood, it is not clear why relatively few animals change sex. According to Alonzo, "An intuitive, yet rarely studied, explanation is that the considerable time or energy it takes to change

Friday 20 February 2009

William Beard So You Wanna Get Married

William Beard So You Wanna Get MarriedWilliam Beard Phantom CraneWilliam Beard Owls
pouring sulfuric acid onto iron filings. You catch the gas it gives off and gradually fill the balloon like that. The other way is to find a ground-gas vent near a fire mine. There's a lot of gas under the ground here, and rock oil besides. I can make gas from rock oil, if I need to, and from coal as well; it's not hard to make gas. But the quickest waycampaign; I flew in and took him off. Sounds easy, but hell, I had to calculate the weight of that old boy by guess-work. And then I had to bank on finding ground gas under the ice fort he'd made. But I could see what kind of ground it was from the air, and I reckoned we'd be safe in digging. See, to go down I have to let gas out of the balloon, and I can't get airborne again without more. Anyway, we made it, armor and all."
"Mr. Scoresby, you know the Tartars make holes in people's heads?" is to use ground gas. A good vent will fill the balloon in an hour.""How many people can you carry?""Six, if I need to.""Could you carry lorek Byrnison in his armor?""I have done. I rescued him one time from the Tartars, when he was cut off and they were starving him out-that was in the Tunguska

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Jean Beraud A Game of Billiards

Jean Beraud A Game of BilliardsHenri Rousseau The Football PlayersPaul Cezanne Young Man with a Skull
him suddenly and the man shut the door in alarm. The bear hooked a claw through the handle of the jar and lifted it to his mouth. Lyra could smell the tang of the raw spirits that splashed out.
After swallowing several times, the bear put the jar down and turned back to gnaw his haunch of meat, heedless of depot?"
"My keep here in meat and spirits."
Silence from the bear; and then he dropped the ragged bone and lifted the jar to his muzzle again, drinking the powerful spirits like water.
"Forgive me for asking, lorek Byrnison," said Farder Coram, "but you Farder Coram and Lyra, it seemed; but then he spoke again."What work are you offering?""Fighting, in all probability," said Farder Coram. "We're moving north until we find a place where they've taken some children captive. When we find it, we'll have to fight to get the children free; and then we'll bring them back.""And what will you pay?""I don't know what to offer you, lorek Byrnison. If gold is desirable to you, we have gold.""No good.""What do they pay you at the sledge

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Johannes Vermeer The Concert

Johannes Vermeer The ConcertJohannes Vermeer Girl Reading a Letter at an Open WindowThomas Kinkade Town Square
Personal Development-speak we are always talking about goals, outcomes, success, desires and dreams. In other , the person who has a goal to lose weight in the belief that weight loss will bring them happiness, security, fulfillment, attention, popularity and the partner of their dreams. In this instance, their “what” is weight-loss and their “why” is Happiness (etc.) and a partner. Six months later, they have lost the weight (achieved their goal) but as is often the case, they’re no happier, no more secure, no more confidentwords, all the stuff we want to do, achieve and create in our world. And while it’s important for us to know what we want to achieve (our goal), it’s also important for us to understand why we want to achieve it; the reason behind the goal or some would say, our real goal.Exploring the WHYSometimes when we explore our “why”, (why we want to achieve a certain thing) we realise that our “what” (our goal) might not actually deliver us the thing (feeling, emotion, internal state) we’re really seeking. For example

Monday 16 February 2009

Vincent van Gogh The potato eaters

Vincent van Gogh The potato eatersVincent van Gogh The Bedroom at ArlesVincent van Gogh Couple in the Park,Arles
now?" "Yes, Father." "Then be off with you."
Roger turned and ran. Lyra dragged her foot from side to side on the floor.
"As for you, Lyra," said Father Heyst, "I'm pleased to see you taking an interest in what lies in the oratory. You are a lucky child"No."
"You see, none of us would want you to miss all the usual childhood pleasures and pastimes. I sometimes think it must be a lonely you here among a company of elderly Scholars, Lyra. Do you feel that?" "No."
He tapped his thumbs together over his interlaced fingers, unable to think of anything else to ask this stubborn child.
"If there is anything troubling you," he said finally, "you know you can come and , to have all this history around you." "Mm," said Lyra."But I wonder about your choice of companions. Are you a lonely child?" "No," she said."Do you miss the society of other children?" "No.""I don't mean Roger the kitchen boy. I mean children such as yourself. Nobly born children. Would you like to have some companions of that sort?" "No.""But other girls, perhaps..."

Friday 13 February 2009

Claude Monet Monet Spring Flowers

Claude Monet Monet Spring FlowersClaude Monet The Red Boats ArgenteuilClaude Monet Poplars on the Epte
that's greater than you can imagine. A child… How could they let it happen? Well, so it must be… There is a war coming, boy. The greatest war there ever was. Something like it happened before, and this time the right side must win. We've had nothing but lies and propaganda and cruelty and deceit for all the thousands of years of human history. It's time we started again, but properly this time…"?
Will was still lying on the stones, utterly spent. All he could see was the man's shape, crouching above him, but he couldn't see his face. The man was reaching sideways for something, and after a few moments a marvelous soothing coolness spread into his hand from the stumps of his fingers as the man massaged a salve into his skin.
"What are you doing?" .
But Will was weakening, and now he was crying, too, sobbing bitterly as he kicked and tugged and beat at the man with his head and feet, and he knew his muscles would give up soon. And then he noticed that the man had fallen still, though his hand still gripped as tight as ever. He was lying there letting Will batter at him with knees and head; and as soon as Will saw that, the last of his strength left him, and he fell helpless beside his

Thursday 12 February 2009

Paul Gauguin Tahitian Women On the Beach

Paul Gauguin Tahitian Women On the BeachPaul Gauguin Still Life with Three PuppiesPaul Gauguin Nave Nave Moe
the greatest castle you can imagine: ramparts of basalt, rearing to the skies, with wide roads coming from every direction, and on them cargoes of gunpowder, of food, of armor plate. How has he done this? I think he must have been preparing this for a long time, for eons. He was preparing this before we another cry, closer already, and then a third; and at that, all the witches seized their branches and leaped into the air. All but two, that is, who stood close by, arrows at their bowstrings, guarding Will and Lyra.
Somewhere in the dark above, a fight was taking place. And only seconds later, it seemed, they could hear the rush of and saw a fire burning not far away, where Lyra was trying to toast some bread on a forked stick. There were a couple of birds roasting on a spit as well, and as Will came to sit nearby, Serafina Pekkala flew down.
"Will," she said, "eat these leaves ground, and children playing in the stream called out and ran for their mothers at the sight of the girl in the tattered clothing, and the white-faced, fierce-eyed boy in the bloodstained shirt, and the elegant greyhound that walked beside them.
The grownups were wary but willing to sell some bread and cheese and fruit for one of Lyra's gold coins. The witches kept out of the way, though both children knew they'd be there in a second if any danger threatened. After

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Albert Bierstadt Yosemite Valley

Albert Bierstadt Yosemite ValleyClaude Monet Monet The LuncheonClaude Monet Boulevard des Capucines
suggest that umbilicus is a fitness signal," Sinkkonen told Livescience in an email. "I may be wrong. However, many mammals do not have a visible umbilicus. We have, but it does not have an obvious function, except signaling."
Not just navel gazing
This novel of several fetal abnormalities," Sinkkonen wrote in the journal.
And for anyone who worries their love life might be doomed by an imperfect belly button?
"Don't worry," Sinkkonen said. "Nobody's perfect except Angelina Jolie. Seriously, I know wonderful women who believe that their umbilicus/belly button is ugly. Nobody should pay too much attention on the details of his/her body." navel notion has a serious aspect."If further research confirms the signaling hypothesis, female umbilici may be routinely measured to detect risk pregnancies

Friday 6 February 2009

Claude Monet Cliffs near Dieppe 2

Claude Monet Cliffs near Dieppe 2Claude Monet ZaandamClaude Monet Woman Seated under the Willows
Today's Los Angeles Times story on the stimulus plan debate notes that Senate Republicans object to a $75-million measure in the package that would help people quit smoking. That doesn't bode well for other public-health enhancements to the bill. But you can't blame average American, say doctors in an editorial published today in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. They argue that the Obama administration's economic stimulus for trying. Here's how Ludwig and Pollack put it:
"Does U.S. society wish to produce vast amounts of low-quality food, neglect the social infrastructure to support physical activity, and sustain the inevitable economic and social harms of obesity-related diseases? Or will this opportunity to align economic and social policies with the interests of publicby implementing a comprehensive, national obesity strategy? Failure to act now could ultimately cost society much more than even the sub-prime mortgage crisis."

Thursday 5 February 2009

Leroy Neiman Innsbruck

Leroy Neiman InnsbruckLeroy Neiman Indoor CyclingLeroy Neiman In The Stretch
through blue sky and clear air, fresh and sweet and moist.
In the daylight the angels were less visible, though to any eye their strangeness was clear. The light Ruta Skadi saw them by was still not that of the sun now climbing the sky, but some other light from somewhere else.
Tirelessly they flew on and on, and tirelessly she kept pace. She felt a fierce joy possessing her, that she could command these human she had seen. What they shared was a shimmering, darting play of intelligence and feeling that seemed to sweep over them all simultaneously. They were naked, but she felt naked in front of their glance, it was so piercing and went so deep.
Still, she was unashamed of what she was, and she returned their gaze with head held high.
"So you are angels," she said, "or Watchers, or bene elim. Where are you going?"
"We are following a call," said daemon raced upward, flying quicker than sparks from a fire, the air rushing through the twigs on her branch

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Leroy Neiman The DiMaggio Cut

Leroy Neiman The DiMaggio CutLeroy Neiman The Cove at VintageLeroy Neiman The Catch
He cast up and down. Had it vanished? Had it closed? He couldn't see it anywhere.
And then suddenly he had it. He moved back and forth, watching the edge. Just as he'd found the night before, on the Oxford side of it, you could only see it at all from one side: when you moved behind it, it was invisible. And the sun on the grass beyond it was just like the sun on the grass on this side, except unaccountably different.
"Here it is," he said when he was sure.
"Ah! I see it!"
"Traffic. It's a part of the Oxford ring road. It's bound to be busy. Get down and look at it from the side. It's the wrong time of day to go through, really; there's far too many people She was agog, she looked as astounded as he'd looked himself to hear Pantalaimon talk. Her daemon, unable to remain inside her pocket, had come out to be a wasp, and he buzzed up to the hole and back several times, while she rubbed her still slightly wet hair into spikes."Keep to one side," he told her. "If you stand in front of it people'd just see a pair of legs, and that would make 'em curious. I don't want anyone noticing.""What's that noise?"

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Titian The Three Ages of Man

Titian The Three Ages of ManTitian Saint ChristopherGeorge Inness The Trout Brook
outside Geneva, Switzerland, from people worried it could create a mini-singularity that would gobble up the planet.
Fortunately, the machine broke down after a few days. The end of the world will have to be pushed back to next summer Some scenarios say we've got only a billion good years left on this planet — rather gloomy, since form has been around for about 3.7 billion years and this means we're already close to the end.
Then again, it's also possible that scientists of an advanced future civilization could simply tow out Earth to a safer orbit, after having presumably rendered Mars and Venus inhabitable as the earliest.An artist's impression of a star boiling the water off a planet, as will happen to the Earth in about a billion years as the sun expands.The expanding sun: If all else fails, the Earth will almost certainly come to an end in about 5 billion years when it falls into the expanding sun.It's perfectly natural — stars like ours simply turn into red giants near the end of , and their inner planets become toast.Terrestrial inhabitants need not worry, since they'll be boiled off much earlier by the sheer heat of the growing star.

Monday 2 February 2009

Andy Warhol Gun 1982

Andy Warhol Gun 1982Andy Warhol Dollar Sign 1981Andy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes
few moments after she had gone, Lyra gave a little gasp.
"What is it?" said Will.
"I never asked her about my father and mother, and I can't ask the alethiometer, either, now... I wonder if I'll ever know?"
She sat down slowlyworld could stop turning, and everyone else could fall into a sleep..."
"Everyone except us! And you and I could live here forever and just love each other."
"I will love you forever, whatever happens. Till I die and after I die, and when I find my way out of the land of the dead, I'll drift about forever, all my atoms, and he sat down beside her."Oh, Will," she said, "what can we do? Whatever can we do? I want to live with you forever. I want to kiss you and lie down with you and wake up with you every day of my life till I die, years and years and years away. I don't want a memory, just a memory... ""No," he said, "memory's a poor thing to have. It's your own real hair and mouth and arms and eyes and hands I want. I didn't know I could ever love anything so much. Oh, Lyra, I wish this night would never end! If only we could stay here like this, and the

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